Lay Clerk Vacancies

New College Choir plans to appoint four new lay clerks from 1 October 2023 for one year. As well as singing daily services during university term, lay clerks enjoy excellent opportunities to develop solo singing in concerts and recordings, and on tour in the UK and abroad. The posts will suit young singers building up a professional portfolio, and the choir’s schedule enables lay clerks to take up opportunities to sing professionally in Oxford and beyond.
Salary: £10,171 p.a., concert and recording fees plus singing lessons up to the value of £720.
Application deadline: Wed 23 May. Covering letter, CV, and the names of two referees should be sent to the Choir Administrator, or uploaded as part of the Online application.
Auditions: in person on Tuesday 31 May in New College Chapel. Candidates will be asked to sing a Bach or Handel aria, and undertake sight-reading tests.
Terms & Conditions are currently being revised: but candidates may contact the Choir Administrator for full details.
Applications can be made online via the New College website: – Vacancies
Choir Administrator
New College
Oxford OX1 3BN
01865 279108