Choral and Organ Open Day (choral and organ scholarships) - Sat 28 April

Saturday 28 April 2018 – Choral and Organ Open Day
We are looking forward to welcoming singers and organists interested in applying for choral and organ awards at Oxford’s Open Day on 28 April 2018. Aspiring young musicians can experience at first-hand what it feels like to sing or play in Oxford chapels. We would love to see you in New College on the open day - you can sign up to join the choir for Evensong and attend a workshop with our director of music, Robert Quinney. Here’s one of our former choral scholars talking about singing in New College Choir:
An Academical Clerkship (choral scholarship) or Organ Scholarship at New College offers student musicians professional musical expeirences to last a lifetime. In addition to their scholarships, singers and organists at New College earn professional fees, perform in top venues (Wigmore Hall, Cadogan Hall, Sheldonian, etc), and enjoy extensive touring abroad (recent trips include Hungary, France, USA, and Italy).
See more about our Academical Clerkships here and organ scholarships here.
Book a place at the Choral and Organ Open Day here and feel free to get in touch with any questions about singing at New College by emailing.